If Germans like something, they turn their passion into a tradition ... sausage, bread and beer, for example. Did you know that there are 1500 kinds of sausage in this country? 3400 different recipes for bread and even around 5500 brands of beer?! Discover more.

The Romantic Christmas Market at Castle St. Emmeram
Every year in December the courtyard of the castle forms the enchanting backdrop for a beautiful Romantic Christmas Market. Local arts and crafts, musical performances, Christmas lectures, a children's program and culinary delights make the princely Christmas market one of the most beautiful in Bavaria.

The history of pretzel!
Germans love bread! It is part of a typical breakfast and supper. In the morning they eat a roll with jam, in the evening it’s a slice of bread with cold cuts or cheese - and probably with a pickle. It is also a popular snack for inbetween.

Cheers to the king!
People sit together in the shade of the chestnut trees, young or old, tourists or locals – it doesn’t matter. The main thing is a freshly tapped mug of beer and a hearty snack. The Munich beer gardens are unique. They owe their special flair to an old decree by King Ludwig I.